All staff who were re-graded to grades 6 – 10 will have been sent a letter (dated 22nd June) and information pack informing them that as of the 1st June they were automatically enrolled in the USS pension scheme, and if they wanted to opt-out they had to do so in writing by 28th June.
This was in fact incorrect and the error has been brought to the attention of management, who have advised me that they have now reversed this decision.
This means that all staff who are now eligible to join the USS scheme as a result of re-grading will not automatically be enrolled in USS and will be given a reasonable time period (yet to be decided, but probably no less than 3 months) in which to choose whether they wish to join USS or remain in the University scheme.
Any USS deductions made in the June payroll will be reimbursed in the July payroll. Also, any member of staff who decides at this stage that they do want to transfer to USS please contact Anne Anderson as soon as possible.