Scottish Equalities Bulletin Issue No. 8

Dear Colleague

The STUC, in conjunction with the Scottish Executive, are launching an exciting new pilot initiative whereby volunteer trade unionists will visit schools to discuss the role of trade unions, rights at work, etc and will evaluate educational materials which will be provided to schools (the materials will include key issues such as equality, health and safety and collectivism) and will also evaluate the contribution made by trade union school visitors. If the pilot is successful, the aim is to roll out the programme to every secondary school in Scotland in 2007/2008.

For this pilot to be successful, the STUC require 20 trade unionists who would be prepared to visit schools between late October 2006 and the end of March 2007. The time commitment during this phase would be ten days, including attendance at a TUC course at Stow College, one or more school visits and time spent on-line. Full training will be made available to any volunteer. If you think you would have the time and the commitment to undertake this challenge, then further details can be obtained from David Moxham at or 0141 337 8100. Alternatively, you can contact me directly (my contact details are shown below).

I would be grateful if you could bring this to the attention of your fellow trade union colleagues in your workplace.

Yours sincerely

Gillian McKay
Regional Equalities Officer (Scotland)

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