- Equality Representatives’ Conference
- Members Enquiry Network
- TUC Regional Officer Seminars
- Campaign to End Child Poverty
- International world Psoriasis Day
- Diary Dates
Equality Representatives Conference
Unite the union is holding a Conference on 29 October 2008, to launch the education programme and on-line networking facility for Equality Reps. This forms part of the Equality Reps’ Project that was launched in February 2008 where we are developing 400 new Equality Reps throughout the union with matched funding from the Government’s Union Modernisation Fund.
Unite is committed to achieving equality in the workplace – the role of Equality Rep is included in the new Unite Rule Book. Equality Reps will have the same rights of participation within the union, alongside Workplace, Learning and Health and Safety Reps. If Unite is to achieve equality in the workplace we need Equality Reps who are negotiating with employers and keeping our members informed about equality issues and legislation.
If you are interested in equality issues and becoming an Equality Rep please attend this Conference. It is being held on 29th October 2008, from 10.00-1600 at the Institute of Education, Logan Hall, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL. Lunch and refreshments will be provided and travel expenses will be reimbursed by the union for attending the Conference.
Any enquiries about the Conference or for an application form you should be directed to Bridget Clemson at telephone number 0207 4208923.
Members Enquiry Network
We have recently launched a General Equality Members’ Network which is open to any Unite member to join who has an interest in equality. By joining the network members will receive the e-equality newsletter and regular up-dates on equality issues and events.
TUC Regional Officer Seminars
The last few years have seen an increase in the amount and complexity of equality issues at work. It has been difficult for hard pressed union officers to keep up with current developments and handle the increasing amount of equality issues in the workplace. To help officers with this task, the TUC have organised a seminar in each region to update union professionals on the latest developments in the new Equalities Bill and the TUC Equality Reps project.
Sally Brett, TUC Equality Policy Officer will run the session on the Equalities Bill Update and
Theresa Daly, TUC Equality Reps Project Co-ordinator will lead the session on the Equality reps training and the developments in unions for equality reps. The equality rep training materials will also be available at the seminars.
The seminars will be taking place on the 12th November 2008, 10.00 – 12.30 – at STUC, John Smith House, 145-165 West regent St ,Glasgow G2 4RZ, to register contact Harry Cunningham at hcunningham@tuc.org.uk
Campaign to End Child Poverty
Child poverty is inextricably linked to the poverty of their mothers. Four out of ten children living in poverty are in single mother households, and a further three out of ten children have a mother on low or no income.
Low pay is an important cause of women’s poverty. From pregnancy onwards, women face immediate financial penalties, thousands lose their jobs and many more face discrimination and reduced opportunities in the workplace. Due to a lack of quality, well-paid flexible work, after having children mothers often become trapped in part-time, low-paid and low-status work. Poverty wages for women affect the whole family.
Close the Gap is supporting the End Child Poverty campaign, which aims to end child poverty in the UK. The UK Government has promised to halve child poverty by 2010 and end it by 2020. The Campaign is holding an event, as part of its Keep the Promise campaign, on 4 October 2008 in Trafalgar Square London. For further information please contact info@closethegap.org.uk
World Psoriasis Day – 29 October 2008
To celebrate world International Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Day on 29 October 2008, Unite is holding a conference in John Smith House Glasgow. If you are interested in attending this conference then please contact Gillian McKay. The conference will start in the afternoon after a buffet lunch from 12.30 pm.
Diary Dates – October
Black History Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
2 October Eid al Fitr (Ramadan ends) – Islam
4/5 October – STUC Black Workers Conference
9 October – Yom Kippur – Jewish
10 October – World Mental Health Day
28 October – Diwali (Deepavili) Hindu, Sikh, Jain
29 October – International World Psoriasis Day
If you require any further information on Equalities or on any item in this bulletin, then please contact Gillian Mckay or telephone 01382 226 268