- Young Members Course
- Amendments to Sex Discrimination Act 1975
- STUC Black Workers Network
- STUC/Runnymede Training Seminar
- Abortion – A Trade Union Issue
- Rape Crisis Scotland – Helpline
- Balls to Poverty
- Diary Dates
Young Members Course
There are still places available for the 2008 Young Members Course being held at Esher Place and Coleg Harlech, Wales from the afternoon of Sunday, 8th through to Friday, 13 June.
Part of this course involves Outward Bound Activities and you should be aware that you would require appropriate clothing whilst you are taking part. You will require training/walking shoes or books and warm clothing. Transport will be provided to get you to and from the Outward Bound Activities.
Any young members wishing to attend this course, should contact gillian.mckay@unitetheunion.org for further information and an application form.
Amendments to Sex Discrimination Act 1975
The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (Amendment) Regulations 2008 have now finally be published. These new regulations come into force on the 6th April 2008. The regulation make various changes to the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 so that this now complies with the Equal Treatment Directive (76/207/EEC).
For further information or a copy of the Regulations please go to the website: STUC Black Workers’ Network
The STUC produces a regular E-Brief, with trade union news, events, consultations and information. If you want to receive the E-Brief from the STUC, please send an email to Kevin Buchanan.
2008 Dates for your diary:
Black Workers’ Network Autumn Meeting – Saturday 6 September 10.30am – 1.00pm. STUC Centre, 333 Woodlands Road, Glasgow.
2008 STUC Black Workers Conference – Saturday/Sunday 4-5 October 2008, Salutation Hotel, Perth.
St Andrew’s Day Anti Racism March and Rally, Glasgow. – Saturday 29 November 2008.
For further details on all of these events please contact the STUC: Telephone: 0141 337 8100 or contact H. Carson.
STUC/Runnymede Training Seminar
The Runnymede Trust, in partnership with the Scottish Trade Union Congress, is organising a two-day seminar on 8 & 9 April 2008 in Glasgow on the role of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Trade Unions in the UK in combating discrimination on the grounds of racial and ethnic origin, age, disability, religions or belief and sexual orientation. It is directed at NGO and trade union representatives only.
This free event is funded by the European Commission and aims to develop the capacity of civil society dealing with anti-discrimination. The programme has been developed by and international team, but each seminar will take into account the context of the country in which it is held. In the UK, the seminar will focus on the government’s proposals for single equality legislation and what this means for concepts of discrimination, awareness raising, dialogue with the government, and how Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and trade unions can work successfully together.
Please contact Sarah Isal or telephone 020 7377 922 for an application form or for further information.
Abortion – A Trade Union Issue
An overwhelming three quarters of people in Britain support a woman’s right to make her own abortion decision. Yet, unlike many European countries, British women still do not have that right. They have to persuade two doctors to agree to their decision on the basis of restrictive legal criteria. This allows the one in ten doctors who are opposed to all abortion the opportunity to delay, obstruct or even veto women’s decisions. NHS services vary widely across the country resulting in a ‘postcode lottery’ of intolerable delay and restrictions.
As you may be aware, there are currently attempts to reduce women’s rights and access to legal abortion through the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill. The TUC and STUC women’s committees have been campaigning strongly to oppose any restrictions to abortion.
Abortion is a Trade Union Issue, please support this issue. To find out how you can support this issue or for further information, please contact choice@abortionrights.org.uk or contact them at 18 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL
Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline
Rape Crisis Scotland has a helpline number open daily from 6pm to 12 midnight. This is a free telephone number and is here to support anyone aged 13 and over who has experienced sexual violence. They also support family, friends and workers of survivors to help them in their supportive role.
This is a free and confidential services offering support and information. For further information please contact Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline on 08088 01 03 02
Balls To Poverty
Some of you will be aware that the Amicus foundation is, for the third year running, sponsoring the Balls to Poverty trip to South Africa. In March 28 students from South Nottingham College will be going to townships in the Cape Town area where they will be distribution 8,000 Unite braded footballs and providing football coaching sessions to 8,000 school age children.
The aim of the trip is to give the students an insight into how other developing countries work to improve their own communities through grass roots projects and they can take those experiences back to their own communities.
The students wear a Unite branded kit when carrying out training sessions at local schools and will be wearing the kit on their trip to sough Africa.
Each football costs £3.50. If you can help with the Buy a Ball campaign then please send a cheque (write ‘buy a ball’ on the back) payable to south Nottingham College to:
South Nottingham College
Greythorn Drive
West Bridgford
Diary Dates – April
13 April – Baisakhi (Vaisakhi) – Sikh
18-20 April – TUC Black Workers Conference, Eastbourne
20-27 April – Pesach (Passover) – Jewish
21-23 April – STUC Congress
28 April – Workers’ Memorial Day
If you require any further information on Equalities or on any item in this bulletin, then please contact Gillian Mckay or telephone 01382 226 268