The Dearing & Bett reports of the late 90’s identified a complete lack of staff training and development and with it career prospects within HE. These reports in part led to the Framework Agreement and required that all HEIs should implement a programme of staff development, providing training & resources. This is also part of the Framework Agreement:-
- Access to training and development is important both for the motivation of staff and to enhance their contribution to the institution. HE institutions will make available suitable training and development opportunities to all staff, irrespective of their present grades or career pathways.
- Institutions will operate regular development reviews for all staff – with a view to facilitating both the improvement of performance to meet institutional objectives and career development for individuals – and will offer suitable development opportunities in the light of these.
- JNCHES will develop further guidance on staff development and review, including advice on facilitating new career pathways and recognising new ways of delivering and supporting teaching and learning.
The University of Stirling has established a project to develop appraisal arrangements. All staff are invited to contribute thoughts and suggestions. Please go to the Portal page to see dates and times for various discussion forums. It’s vitally important for staff to have an input into this process to ensure we end up with a meaningful and workable system. If you cannot attend any of the forums you can of course submit ideas via email.