Amicus NEC Meeting – 8th March 2007
Alan Howard
A statement was made to the NEC about Alan Howard’s work as a workplace activist and national negotiator for the Higher Education Sector.
TGWU Merger Ballot
The results of both Amicus and TGWU ballots were announced:
Ballot papers issued 1,087,408
Ballot papers returned 296,436
In Favour 208,405 (70.5%)
Against 87,044 (29.9%)
Ballot papers returned 200,000
In Favour 193,000 (86%)
Against 27,000 (14%)
The General Secretaries of the 2 unions addressed the NEC stressing the importance of the merger for co-operation with trade unions abroad and effective representation of our members working for multinational companies.
The merger is scheduled to take effect from 1st May. There must first be a six week period to allow any complaints to be made to the Certification Officer.
Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Secretary
The result of the membership ballot for the post was announced:
Bernard McAulay 11,173 Elected
Chris Weldon 8,174
Financial Report
A report on the Management Accounts for 2006 showed an improvement in December to give an operating surplus for 12 months of £2.9M and an overall deficit of £2.6M taking into account the voluntary severance and pension costs.