Subject: Who do you think you are? Being young in Scotland.
When – 11 December 9.45 – 2.00
Where – STUC, Woodlands Road, Glasgow
Who – Young People (16 – 27)
Why – to discuss issues about identity and participation in Scotland today.
Do you feel Scottish? What makes up your identity? Is your faith an important part of who you are? Are you from a minority ethnic community? Is sectarianism an issue for you?
Do you feel your voice is heard? Is there any point in voting in elections? Are there ways young people can influence change?
Come along and make your voice heard, join in a lively discussion about these important issues with young people from a variety of backgrounds across Scotland.
We’ll have speakers to start off the debate, and a Scottish Executive Minister to listen to your views. And we’ll finish off the event with a mouth watering lunch!
Open to all young people in Scotland (aged 16 – 27). Please let us know if you want to attend by emailing And pass this on to anyone you think might like to come too.
· Democratic Participation
· Identity
o Speakers and workshops to focus around these two themes.
o Draft agenda for the event below. TBC when speakers availability known.
Draft Agenda
9.45 Registration
10.15 Welcome and Introduction
10.30 Kainde Manji, Black Students Officer, NUS Scotland
10.40 Catherine Stihler, MEP
10.50 “ “
11.00 Workshop Session 1
11.45 Workshop 2 Session 2
12.30 Workshop Feedback
12.45 Ministerial Address and response to points raised.
13.00 Lunch & Opportunity for Minister to meet informally with participants.