Amicus NEC Meeting – 11th October 2006
The only matter discussed was the proposed TGWU merger. After a debate and clarification of a number of queries, the Amicus NEC voted to endorse the Instrument of Amalgamation and Schedule of General Rules subject to a financial report about TGWU to follow.
The TGWU NEC was meeting on the same day and has also endorsed the 2 documents. The Instrument of Amalgamation and Schedule of General Rules are both attached together with the proposed timetable.
Reasons for Merger: The General Secretary outlined the background to the merger and emphasised that all trade unions are facing a slow decline in membership. He listed the factors adversely affecting the labour movement at the moment:
- Competition from developing countries in the Manufacturing Sector
- Increasing use of privatization in the Public Sector
- Offshoring of call centres and office work in the Finance Sector
- The action of multinational companies to drive down production costs at the expense of workers salaries, Health & Safety and working conditions.
A merger between Amicus and T&G would prevent resources being wasted on competition for members and enable our joint resources to be targeted towards protecting our members at work, organizing and campaigning both within the UK and internationally to protect workers rights.
Proposed Timetable:
- Consultation Period
- Membership ballot on Instrument of Amalgamation
- Merger
- Transitional Period of 18 months
- Election of new NEC for 3 years
- Membership ballot on finalised rule book.
- Transitional Period:
- The 2 former unions to operate as Amicus and TGWU Sections, each with its existing NEC.
- Branches and Regions to remain unchanged.
- Sectional income to remain separate and expenditure approved by Joint Executive Council for the new union to be split equally between the 2 Sections.
- A Joint Executive Council consisting of 15 members elected by and from the existing NECs responsible for overall management of new union.
- Rules and contentious issues to require AGREEMENT OF 75% of Joint Executive Council
- Joint Executive Council to appoint Rules Commission consisting of 10 members from each of the 2 Sections to finalise the new Rule Book.
- During this period the first NEC will be elected consisting of 40 members from each of the 2 Sections.
General Secretary:
- The 2 existing General Secretaries to be Joint General Secretaries.
- Amicus GS term to be extended until December 2010.
- General Secretary Designate to be elected by January 2011.
- TGWU GS to retire in January 2012 and new General Secretary to take office.
New Rules:
The Schedule of General Rules provides an outline for the Rules Commission to work to. This includes:
- Branch structure based primarily on workplace branches and funded by a proportion of membership subscriptions.
- Industrial sectors retaining industrial autonomy.
- 10 regions – North East and Yorkshire & Humberside to merge and London and Eastern to merge – funded by 1% of membership subscriptions.
- Sector and Regional Committees elected for 2 year term of office
- Equality Structures to include national conferences and committees.
- A lay member National Executive Council consisting of industrial, regional and equality seats.
- A minimum of 5% income to be spent on organizing.
- Area Activist Committees.
- Biennial Policy Conference.
- Rules Conference every 4 years.
- Affiliated to Labour Party.
The November NEC will determine how to proceed with the consultation process.
Sue Sharp