Following a meeting between our regional officer, Gordon Casey, Amicus representative Jim Fleming and University management on 3rd Aug 2005 regarding the proposed ballot of residential porters on the new rotas the follow should be noted:
There are currently 3 proposed rotas, a 12 hour and an 8 hour proposed by management and an 8 hour proposed by staff members.
- Management have removed the staff proposed rota following a request from Unison, therefore only 2 management rotas will be on the ballot.
- Amicus have suggested a general meeting with all residential porters, management and union representatives present, this was rejected by management.
- Management confirmed that their proposed 8 hour rota will still result in 6 “undesirable posts” of continuous back shift.
- The University is preparing for a legal challenge for recognition of Amicus to represent the residential porters.
Amicus recommendations to members:
- Write NONE OF THE ABOVE at the bottom the ballot paper DO NOT tick any of the other options.
- Photocopy your ballot paper before you send it in and give this to your Amicus rep (either Jim Fleming or George MacLeod).
- If you notice anything on the ballot paper which ‘could’ be used to identify you, either remove it or obscure it in some way.
I will be seeking clarification from the director of HR on how the ballot and counting will be conducted. There will be a meeting of residential porters on Tue 16th Aug 2005 (place and time tbc) For frther information please contact George MacLeod