Dear Colleagues There are proposed changes being announced to both the USS and LGPS. As some Universities operate both I am attaching an outline for both as separate documents. Yours sincerely Mike Robinson (National Officer Higher Education) For further information please read the three attached documents University & USS Pensions … Continue reading
Tag Archives: pensions
LGPS Pensions Newsletter
The LGPS Pensions Newsletter can be downloaded here. John Allott is the Amicus National Officer leading on Local Government pensions. Members in affected schemes are asked to write as per the newsletter. If you are in any doubt you should contact your local Regional Officer for further advice.
Local Government Pension Scheme
Please find attached Amicus advice from Amicus National Officer, John Allott. John covers members in Local Authorities and as such is the Amicus lead negotiator with the Government and Local Government Association on the Local Government Pension Scheme issue. I trust you will find his report useful.