Subject: Factory Closure – Birmingham
Dear Colleague.
Unite members who’d worked hard for sanitary product manufacturer Lil-Lets were devastated when the Birmingham factory finally closed on 29 June 2007, with 150 workers at losing their jobs.
Unite condemned Lil-Lets for the treatment of its loyal workforce. Lil-Lets is now owned by the private equity firm Electra.
Lil-Lets, one of Britain’s largest producers of women’s sanitary products announced six months ago, whilst still owned by Accantia Health & Beauty Ltd, that it was closing its UK operations and moving operations to Taiwan and South Africa. This decision was made despite the company making excellent profits in the UK.
If you are able to support colleagues, please use this link which will take you to our members petition.
We, the undersigned, think Lil-lets are wrong to abandon 112 years of profitable manufacturing in the UK in order to make more profit in South Africa, Poland and China. Furthermore we feel that the company should honour the pension expectations of their employees by funding the £1.7 million for a full consent pension.
This petition is open to union members and non-union members alike to sign.