Dear Colleague
Ref: 2006/08 JNCHES Pay
Following protracted discussions at JNCHES on the 30th May and 6th June as well as the intervention of Brendan Barber, General Secretary of the TUC, and an offer on a pay increase covering 2006/8 has been made by UCEA.
Amicus convened a meeting of its Higher Education National Industry Committee on the 7th June to consider the offer. The overwhelming view of HENIC delegates is to recommend the offer to Amicus members for acceptance. Consultation or local ballots will be held shortly with a request that all workplace groups consider the offer and advise your local HENIC delegates of members wishes by 7th July at the latest.
There has been much speculation and comments in the media and by other unions exactly who benefits by these proposals. Family illness prevents me advising you in detail today on those questions. I intend to issue a more detailed description of events that have led up to the offer next week, as well as exploding some of the myths on who exactly has won or lost the battle on HE pay. I will at the same time also issue firmer guidelines on how workplaces should consult on balloting locally.
Please accept my apologies for the shortness of this Circular which I explained earlier has been due to me being out of the office on personal matters.
Yours sincerely
Mike Robinson
National Officer Higher Education