Thursday 20th October 2005: John Smith House, Glasgow.
Amicus is holding a one-day Equalities Conference on Thursday 20th October 2005 . There will be several key speakers and there will be an opportunity for Those attending to raise any questions or issues that they may have. The conference will cover a range of equality issues. This is a very important event in Ito Scottish Calendar and one we hope you will all enjoy attending.
Equalities is an issue that effects everyone. This conference is aimed at all members of Amicus, not only members in the equality groups. To ensure that this event is successful we need you to publicise this event as widely as possible in your workplaces. We would like you to encourage as many members as possible to attend.
Some of our members in the equality groups may find attending a conference on their own a bit daunting. To make all our members feel welcome and to encourage them to
Fully participate in the conference, we would like to invite them to bring along a friend / colleague / relative to the conference it is not necessary that this person be a member of Amicus, but please note that Amicus will only pay out-of-pocket expenses to bona fide Amicus members.
To allow us to reserve places at the conference, we require the attached proforma to be completed and returned to Gillian McKay at the address below. Please also contact Gillian McKay if you require any additional forms or if you require any further Information.
Amicus. 17 South Tay Street , Dundee , DD1 1NR
or e-mail Gillian Mckay. Please note, places for this Conference will be allocated strictly on a ‘first come, fIrst served†basis.
Yours fraternally, John Quigley, Regional Secretary